
Commitment to Good Governance

Karoon is committed to a high standard of corporate governance and fostering a culture that values ethical behaviour, integrity and respect. Operating in accordance with these high standards is essential for sustainable long-term performance and value creation.

As a listed entity Karoon must comply with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (‘Corporations Act 2001’), the Australian Securities Exchange (‘ASX’) Listing Rules and other Australian and international laws. The ASX Listing Rules require Karoon to report on the extent to which it has followed the Corporate Governance Recommendations contained in the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (‘ASXCGC Recommendations’).

Corporate Governance Statement

Karoon’s Corporate Governance Statement (‘CGS’), approved by the Board of Directors, reports on the Company’s key governance principles and practices, and compliance with the ASXCGC Recommendations. A copy of the most recent CGS can be found here.

Corporate Policies

Role and Composition of the Board

The role and responsibility of the Board is to oversee and direct the senior management of Karoon by:

  • defining and monitoring the strategic direction of the Company;
  • defining policies and procedures to ensure Karoon operates within the legal, ethical and social requirements of its environment;
  • establishing control and accountability systems within Karoon’s operations to conform to the legal requirements and the expectations of shareholders and other stakeholders;
  • defining and monitoring the management of an effective risk assessment strategy;
  • securing funds to develop Karoon’s assets;
  • driving Company performance;
  • from time to time, reviewing and monitoring management and Company performance;
  • appointing and appraising the Executive Directors;
  • ensuring there are adequate plans and procedures for succession planning;
  • reviewing and approving the remuneration of the Executive Directors and senior executives;
  • approving and monitoring the progress of major capital expenditure, capital management, acquisitions and divestitures; and
  • approving and monitoring financial and other reporting.


The Managing Director is responsible for managing the Company in accordance with the strategy, plans and policies approved by the Board. The Executive Directors and other key management personnel are responsible for the day-to-day management and administration of the Company. The Board has policies and procedures in place to assess the performance of the Executive Directors.


The role and responsibilities of the Board are listed in the Company’s Board Charter, which can be found under Board and Committee Charters on the Karoon website.


In addition to the above, matters expressly reserved to the Board are:

  • approval of the corporate budget; and
  • approval for expenditure over a set limit.


The Board believes that this is appropriate at this time given the level and complexity of transactions.


The Board is made up of a total of 8 Directors consisting of a majority of independent Non-Executive Directors. The composition breakdown is five independent Non-Executive Directors (including the Chair), one Non-Executive Director and two Executive Directors.


The skills, experience and expertise relevant to the position of each Director, and term of office are detailed under Directors and Management on the website.


The composition of the Board is reviewed periodically, having regard to the current and future growth phases of the Company’s business.

Board and Committee Charters

Board Members

Mr Bruce Phillips (Independent Non-Executive Chairman)

Mr Robert Hosking (Managing Director)

Mr Mark Smith (Executive Director)

Mr Geoff Atkins (Independent Non-Executive Director)

Mr Clark Davey (Independent Non-Executive Director)

Mr Jose Coutinho Barbosa (Non-Executive Director)

Mr Peter Turnbull (Independent Non-Executive Director)

Ms. Luciana Bastos De Freitas Rachid (Independent Non-Executive Director)

Board Charter

Friday 31 January, 2020

Audit Committee Members

Mr Clark Davey (Chairman of Committee)
Mr Geoff Atkins
Mr Peter Turnbull

Audit Committee Charter

Friday, November 27, 2015

Nomination Committee Members

Mr Geoff Atkins (Chairman of Committee)
Mr. Bruce Phillips
Mr Peter Turnbull
Mr Clark Davey
Ms Luciana Bastos De Freitas Rachid

Nomination Committee Charter

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Remuneration Committee Members

Mr Peter Turnbull (Chairman of Committee)
Mr. Bruce Phillips
Mr Geoff Atkins
Mr Clark Davey

Remuneration Committee Charter

Friday, November 27, 2015

Risk and Governance Committee Members

Mr Peter Turnbull (Chairman of Committee)
Mr Clark Davey
Ms. Luciana Bastos De Freitas Rachid

Risk and Governance Committee Charter

Friday, November 27, 2015

ESOP and PRP Rules

2016 Performance Rights Plan Rules

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

2016 Employee Share Option Plan Rules

Wednesday, November 30, 2016