Who We Are
Board of Directors
Dr Julian Fowles
BSc (Hons), PhD, GradDipAppFinInvChief Executive Officer and Managing Director
Mr Peter Botten
AC, CBE, BSc ARSM, MICDChair of the Board
Mr Peter Turnbull, AM
B. Commerce, LLB, FGIA (Life), FAICDIndependent Non-Executive Director
Mr Clark Davey
B. Commerce, FTIA, MAICDIndependent Non-Executive Director
Ms Luciana Bastos De Freitas Rachid
BA Chem Eng.Independent Non-Executive Director
Mr Tadeu Fraga
BEngIndependent Non-Executive Director
Ms Joanne Palmer
FCA (ICAEW), FCA (CAANZ), GAICD, BSc (Hons Mathematics & Statistics)Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms Melissa Holzberger
LLM Resources Law (Distinction)(Scotland), Dip. International Nuclear Law (Hons)(France), LLB (Adel), BA (Adel), GDLP, GAICD, FGIAIndependent Non-Executive Director
Executive Management
Dr Julian Fowles
BSc (Hons), PhD, GradDipAppFinInvChief Executive Officer and Managing Director
Mr Ray Church
B.CommerceExecutive Vice President – Chief Financial Officer
Mr Marco Brummelhuis
B. Science (Physics), M. Phys, PhD (Physics and Mathematical Sciences)Executive Vice President & Country Manager of Karoon Brazil
Mr Stephen Power
B Juris LLB. LawExecutive Vice President Commercial & Legal
Mr Roland Hamp
M.Eng (Pet. Eng.) ARSM, FIEAust, SPEExecutive Vice President Technical
Mr Daniel Murnane
BA / LLBExecutive Vice President – General Counsel and Company Secretary